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成人小电影 史上最强换脸术让消防员新生

发布日期:2024-10-15 20:46    点击次数:58

成人小电影 史上最强换脸术让消防员新生

史上最强换脸术让消防员新生 成人小电影

Volunteer firefighter Patrick Hardison, a 41-year-old resident of Senatobia, Mississippi, suffered extensive facial burns after responding to a residential fire in 2001 -- and his life has never been the same. 2001年,好意思国密西西比州塞纳托比亚41岁的志愿消防员哈迪森在住户区救火时,脸部被大面积烧伤——从此他的生存透顶改换了。

He lost his eyelids, ears, lips, most of his nose and all facial hair in the accident. Ever since, Hardison would wear a basketball cap, sunglasses, and prosthetic ears to cover his wounds while in public. But now, he has a new face. 在那次大火中,他失去了眼睑、耳朵、嘴唇、真的扫数这个词鼻子以及扫数面部毛发。从那以后,哈迪森出门时会戴上篮球帽、墨镜和假耳朵来隐秘他的伤痕。但目下,他有了一张全新的脸。

Hardison underwent a face transplant surgery at New York University's Langone Medical Center in August, receiving a new face, scalp, ears, chin, cheeks, nose, eyelids, and the eye muscles that control blinking. Now that he is successfully recovering, the procedure is being called the most extensive face transplant to date, and the first in New York. 本年8月,哈迪森在纽约大学朗格尼医学中心接管了面部移植手术,包括新的面皮、头皮、耳朵、下巴、面颊、鼻子、眼睑和步调眨眼行动的肌肉。目下,他复原的很顺利,这次手术被称为史上最大面积的脸部移植手术,亦然纽约的第一例。

The hospital announced the surgery in a press conference on Monday. 病院在周一举行的新闻发布会上夸耀了手术情况。

Enabling Hardison to open and close his eyelids was the surgery's primary purpose, said Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez, a plastic surgeon at the center who led the 26-hour procedure. It's the first time that doctors have transplanted a patient's eyelids. 为哈迪森进行了26个小时手术的外科整形大夫罗德里格斯说成人小电影,让哈迪森能睁眼和闭眼是这次手术的主要指标。大夫移植病东说念主的眼睑,这是第一次。

"We often think how one could live with this type of injury, but Patrick did. He persisted," Rodriguez said. “咱们时时会念念一个东说念主奈何能承受得了这么的伤痛,可是哈迪森作念到了。他一直在坚合手着,”罗德里格斯说。

Surgeons completed the procedure using the face of 26-year-old David Rodebaugh, a Brooklyn bike mechanic who was pronounced brain dead after a bicycle accident and who donated his organs through Live On NY donor network. The doctors attached Rodebaugh's facial tissue to Hardison's face, connecting some nerves and major veins while allowing other nerves to regenerate. 这次手术用的是布鲁克林地区26岁自行车修理师戴维·罗得鲍的面部组织。罗得鲍骑车遇险,大夫秘书脑牺牲,他的器官被捐献给纽约“人命延续”捐赠蚁集。大夫将罗得鲍的面部组织与哈迪森的面部组织进行接合,聚会部分心经和主动脉,以使其他神经再生。

"I am deeply grateful to my donor and his family," Hardison said in a statement. "Even though I did not know who they would be, I prayed for them every day, knowing the difficult decision they would have to make in order to help me. I hope they see in me the goodness of their decision. I also want to thank Dr. Rodriguez and his amazing team. They have given me more than a new face. They have given me a new life." 哈迪森在一份声明中说:“我十分感谢我的器官捐赠者和他的家庭,天然我不封闭他们,但我每天为他们祷告。我知说念为了匡助我,他们一定资格了辛苦地作念决定的经过。我但愿他们能在我身上,看到他们所作念出的决定是何等好意思好。我也要感谢罗德里格斯大夫和他出色的团队。他们给我的不仅是一张全新的脸,更是全新的人命。”

More than 100 physicians, nurses, technical staff, and support staff collaborated on the operation, which has given Hardison improved facial function. They also helped him through his recovery and rehabilitation after the procedure. 在改造哈迪森面部功能的手术中,有100多名大夫、照顾、时刻以及赞助东说念主员参与其中。他们还帮哈迪森渡过了术后的复原和康复阶段。


The cost of the procedure is comparable to a liver transplant, Rodriguez said. 罗德里格斯大夫说,扫数这个词手术的本钱非常于肝脏移植手术。

Hardison is continuing to receive extensive rehabilitation therapy to help with his facial strength and speech. 哈迪森仍将接续接管全面的康复支援,以复原面部肌肉力量,复原谈话抒发。

"The fact that we were able to perform this and the patient was able to come out of the operating room safely is a very important, historic event," Rodriguez said. "Now we have proven that the technology, the ability to transplant faces, has advanced." 罗德里格斯大夫说:“咱们概况生效完成手术,病东说念主能吉祥走滥觞术室——这是极其关键的历史性事件。目下咱们如故诠释了东说念主类医学进行面部移植的时刻和智商又有了新的提高。”

Vocabulary prosthetic:假体的 scalp:头皮 plastic surgeon:整形外科大夫

英文起首:赫芬顿邮报 译者:张卉 审校&裁剪:杜娟成人小电影

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